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Students who do this just 5-minutes a day can re-wire their brain to heal from childhood trauma

"Chewing the Cud" is an old farmer's term for taking time to think things through. Turns out they were on to much more than clarity of thought.

Patients whose psychotherapy included just 5-10 minutes a day to follow a series of simple thinking steps experienced dramatic healing from traumatic experiences, PTSD, and even traumatic brain injuries.

Obviously it's more detailed than this brief overview but it is simple enough an entire class, family, or group can do it together. The beauty of it is that it's so discrete one child can work their way through adverse childhood experiences, while another addresses their goals for college and another work on breaking old habits and forming healthy ones.

Here are the simplified steps.

1. Gather your thoughts. Consider a goal or issue you want to tackle.

2. Focus on just one problem you want to solve and ask yourself "Why?" questions regarding why you think you do it, or don't do it and how you feel about it.

3. Write down your thoughts and ideas regarding it. Brainstorm. Doodle. Look for patterns and commonalities.

4. Looking at the things you've written down rethink how you feel about them and write it down.

5. Consider one thing you can do that day to take action toward changing the problem or reaching the goal— then do it.

6. Repeat the same process with more "why?" questions that dig deeper. Do this for 21 days, repeat for 21 more.

So simple... yet not.

What's happening is you are mentally peeling an emotional "onion." You start by looking at your "onion" and asking yourself how you feel about it. When you ask yourself "why you feel that way" your brain does something pretty extraordinary; it peels back its own layers in search of an answer.

When your brain produces an answer, write it down, then ask yourself how you feel about that answer. It sounds so touchy-feely but the reality is your brain digs deeper and deeper each time you ask it "why?" questions until it reveals the root. You'll usually know when you get there because people often cry when they hit it. It just all connects and you know that's the buried crud that's been giving you stinking-thinking.

This is the same tool you can use to start new habits and break old ones. Part of breaking a habit is figuring out why you do it or what triggers it. As I said earlier, this is pretty simplified. To better understand the process and take your family, group, or classroom through all the fun steps, and never even realize they're doing it, go on the Championeers! Cowpie County Adventure to teach children how to solve problems, think happy, healthy thoughts, and discover their incredible worth!

Step #10 - Train your brain to chew the cud!

For Happy, Healthy Homes and Schools!


Deanna Rhinehart, Championeers! Emotional Safety Education Systems| 10 of 12 Cowpie County ESE Adventures!



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