How to Integrate Emotional Health in Classroom and Distance Learning.
Now more than ever it is imperative students receive Emotional Health and Safety Education (ESE) as a foundational core of their studies. ESE is different than standard social-emotional learning in that it goes deeper to help eradicate the root causes of behavioral issues, on a survival instinct level, rather than bandage the resulting social-emotional symptoms.
The Problem—
Emotional health and safety are critically essential for children to learn and thrive, drastically effecting every aspect of a person's life. Yet, there's been little understanding of it in the context of general education and campus culture development, or how to integrate it in them.
Another Problem—
There are almost no tools or training available to parents and teachers that can address emotional safety on a subconscious, survival instinct level, which is where it must be established.
A Bigger Problem—
Emotional safety needs might best be explained by Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Until each level is satisfied, neither children or adults can reach their highest potential. In fact, they'll often stay stuck in survival mode making it difficult to achieve their dreams.
An Even Bigger Problem—
If emotional safety is not achieved in each level, long-term trauma, and emotional dysfunction can result. The real tragedy is that organically developed school and home culture is seldom based on the 7 Essential Elements required for emotional safety, making school campuses and homes the leading contributors to emotional dysfunction.
Oh my gosh... I just said it!
It's not our fault guys (professional and parental disclaimer) but it is our responsibity.
We're doing our best but we've reached a tipping point that goes far beyond traditional academia and basic parenting skills, and yet these are the very battlegrounds where this must be fought and won. Every year educators are given a new approach to try to help our students survive and function in a culture that's out of control but they don't produce long-term results, in fact, we're losing ground. They aren't the right tools.
The Results—
Statistics tell us suicide is the second leading cause of death for children as young as 10 years old and homicide is the third. 1 in 4 youth seriously contemplate suicide and 2 million attempt it each and every year! That's more than all the students enrolled in schools in the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho and half of Utah!
Our children are hurting; they are lonely, desperate, and angry, but it's not just a youth issue. Suicide is also the second leading cause of death for adults up to the age of 44, which means children are not just getting over these deep-seeded wounds of the heart, mind and spirit. They are festering and tormenting people until they can't take it anymore. Our society is breaking from broken hearts.
Covid-19 Aggravated Results—
Add on top of that the emotional trauma of the pandemic and all of the distruptors it has brought to a child's extremely impressionable emotional health including isolation, loneliness, fear, boredom, lack of healthy social interaction, and in some cases being confined in an unsafe environment with no advocates for protection.
The only way we can turn this around is to address the internal issues associated with mental health and safety for every child as part of their core education foundations. But how?
We need a new way of doing things, new tools, a different approach...
The Answer—
The answer is as simple as Championeers! Emotional Safety Education. This all-in-one, done-for-you, follow-along emotional safety education system takes the incredibly complex facets of behavioral issues and helps eradicate them at their root—all while children have a blast.
The secret of the system is that you can't just teach life-success skills and coping tools, you must provide an environment for the children themselves to develop their classroom or school's unique culture. There's no other way. Emotional safety works the same in your home. It must taught, caught, and then integrated into the social DNA of the members of that particular group.
That's what Championeers does brilliantly! Whether its incorporated as a school-wide system, in an individual classroom, through distance learning, taught at home or a homeschool co-op, or as a PTA/PTO enrichment program, each child embarks on their own person journey of mental health, safety, and wellness while developing a happy, healthy group culture.
Awesome News!—
Championeers! is as easy as child's play. Literally, it is child's play. That's how children learn emotional safety. The concepts are too big and complex for a child to understand, let alone incorporate, but when presented through stories, games, applications, and challenges, in just the right sequence, in just the right way, they become part of a child's toolbelt for success.
For over 30 years I've been a forerunner and champion of emotional safety education; long before the need was prevalent or terms for social-emotional learning had even been coined. I'd love to help you implement ESE in your homes and schools so I've included some links below for some free and introductory resources to get you started.
To your Happy, Healthy Homes and Schools!
Deanna Rhinehart, Championeers! Emotional Safety Education Systems
Championeers! just got even easier to use. Now parents and teachers can develop emotionally safe, happy, healthy homes and classrooms without being part of a school-wide implementation system. Easy. Fun. Powerful.
Join Grandpa Blue Jeans and his barnyard family as they learn to calm their fears and problem-solve when calamity threatens to take the farm. This FREE, done-for-you, follow along lesson introduces powerful coping tools to help children find emotional safety when life feels out-of-control. Get your free lesson and start building your happy, healthy homes and classrooms today!
For about the same price as a grande' latte, you can get all the same fun and powerful ESE lessons in a done-for-you themed monthly subscription. Designed for busy parents and teachers to introduce a single concept into your home or classroom culture then build on it throughout the month. Just follow along and enjoy! ESE Grants provide 50% savings!
Now available in Classroom, School-Wide, PTA/PTO, Music, After-School,
Homeschool, Co-op, Day Care, Sunday School, and Home Adventures!
$10,000 ESE GRANTS
Receive up to $10,000 in resources and training, per campus, per year for Emotional Safety Education!
Done-for-You, All-in-One, Follow-Along Fun!
Develop happy, healthy homes, and schools!
Digital classroom and online learning!
Every Child Deserves to be Emotionally Safe
ESE Grants cover most costs!
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