Step 1: Download and Print Your Resources

Step 2: Course Note
Your assignments will be sent to you each week, but you have the freedom to complete them all in one day if you'd like. There is a navigator at the top of your assignment pages which provide the freedom to move ahead or review at your pace. All your assignments are in your workbook so you can work at your pace. Note that your weekly emails will still arrive on their scheduled delivery dates. They contain helpful information so even if you've completed your course, I encourage you to take the time to read each new email as it comes.
Step 3: Parent Note
Note: The narrative of this course addresses educators but the information is applicable to parents and all those involved with children. Most assignments can be modified for home application.
Step 4: Educator's Note
Note: You can receive optional credits for this course at any time by enrolling online and completing the final application project. The implementation of Championeers! in your classroom is one of your options.
Step 5: Start Your First Lesson