Welcome to Click-Classes. This interactive format is designed so you can have as much fun as your students without all the prep! We're the experts in ESE (Emotional Safety Education) so let us walk you through the lessons. As an education expert, you'll catch the concepts quickly and can use them as a springboard in your classroom. Here are a few instructions to help you quickly and easily implement your Click-Classes.
Below is a snapshot of your Caveman Rock Click-Class overview. You can access it from your "Lesson Overview" email. Keep this overview handy for easy access to all lessons and resources whenever you want them. Your Click-Class may contain different content depending on your grade level or if you are a music teacher or classroom teacher and may contain one-three link boxes. This is only an example.
In addition to your resource overview page, I'll send you the Click-Class you'll need each week. This makes it super easy to know exactly where you are in the sequence and have all your resources at your fingertips.
Your first link box contains your lesson overview and/or any downloads and your second box contains the link to your Click-Class prezi. Grades 2-6 have only one link box since the students have leadership packs. You can even project the Click-Class directly to your classroom screen from your phone, pad, or computer emails. The following snapshot is a typical weekly lesson email.
Whoohoo... so easy! Just point and click!
When you open your Click-Class "Adventure Theater" you'll need this password to access your subscription: Caveman20. The password is case sensitive and is typically only needed the first time you login through your device.
Once you are in your Click-Class subscription you have access to all of your video adventures from one central location. Your weekly lesson will be the highlighted video in the center of your screen. Simply click the "present" button to activate it. I would do this off screen (while it's not being projected) before your Championeers! session begins so you are ready to give your full attention to your students the moment you switch gears to Championeers! I personally love using a handheld clicker so I'm never distracted by tech, but you can do this from your keypad or designate a student leader to take the controls for a day.
Click Here
Your Click-Class appears on your screen. Maximize to full-screen with the arrows in the bottom right-hand corner.
Click Here for
Full-Screen viewing.
Easy-Peezy! Now you're ready to go! Remember, you only have the review, discussion, and leadership challenges in your classroom Click-Class edition. These pieces help reinforce the unit's emotional safety concepts throughout the school. Your job is not to "teach" the lesson, but rather allow students to regurgitate what they learned in Adventure Theater back to you with discussions of how to apply the concepts in class, at home, and in life. Of course, you'll already know the general direction of the lesson to keep everyone on track, but by allowing students to share and process out loud... together... learning to honor each other's ideas, contributions, and opinions, is a vital part of the campus culture development process and personal internalization of the tools. Ask open-ended and "what if" questions. The more places you can refer back to the lesson in your classroom and studies, the greater the short-term impact and long-term results.
Full-screen view. Each Click-Class follows the same basic format to provide a predictable structure and flow for students.
Now let's take a look at each of these Click-Class bubbles and how to use them. Click until you reach bubble #1. Click again to maximize the video. Waite for just a moment and the Championeers! Roll Call will automatically begin playing. Use the music as an audible queue for your students to quickly put away their current studies and transition to Championeers! "circle time". Let students dance and sing the Championeers! Roll Call loudly in their circle place with the challenge (race) for every student to sit criss-cross (applesauce), hands folded in lap and silent by the last note. (Does each student have a designated place in the circle? If not, this will save you hassle and provide greater structure.) It is imperative to practice the routine before the first time you ever play the music so your students know the rules and expectations. Try it a couple of times before the music is played... then try it with the music. Provide great praise for your lightning bolts and do it once more for the wigglers to practice being a lightning bolt. You may even want to offer a reward for the one who hits the ground the fastest and quietest... perhaps they are your "Clicker" for the day or a class line leader in the hall. How about an entire class reward if everyone does it lightning fast?!
Click Here for
Full-screen view. Will auto-play when loaded.
Click to the BONUS bubble. Your students have already viewed this video in music class but we wanted you to meet Hairy and Shag. We tested a whole array of characters and to our surprise, hands down, the kids reacted to these two critters. You will not see all their adventures because we want the kids to retell them to you, but this intro will provide the context of the unit.
Click Here for
Click to bubble #2. Your students have already viewed this video in music class. Ask them what they learned before you play. Then view as a reminder of this week's lesson.
Click to bubble #2.
Click again to play video. Wait for just a moment while it loads.
Full-screen view. Will auto-play when loaded.
Click to bubble #3. Grades K-1 and 2-6 have been provided age-appropriate application lessons. Click on the picture to enlarge. Discuss workbook pages in class. These, in essence, are your leadership challenges. In case your school does not have leadership books for K-1, I included the pages in this section to view as a class. A downloadable color page has been included for K-1 to help reinforce your lessons in lue of the activity pages in the leadership workbooks. We highly recommend leadership packs for K-1 but we do waive the requirement and provide these free resources to first year schools to help get the program up and running.
Grades 2-6 Workbook Overview
Grades K-1 Workbook Overview
Below are snapshots of the two different grade-level versions. You'll see the language and approach is quite different between the two and provide age-appropriate tools for both age groups. 5-6th graders incorporate additional leadership skills, responsibilities and challenges as part of their program that are not included in their books. These are customized for your school and provided through your administrators or sent in blogs and emails so be sure to check your inbox.
Grades 2-6 Workbook
Grades K-1 Workbook
Click to bubble #4. Click again to enlarge. These are some basic discussion questions. You are not limited to them. You'll notice that they are once again age-appropriate. K-1 has additional story pages to visually help little guys learn to discuss their ideas. All K-1 teachers already know that just learning to sit in a circle without laying on your neighbor or wiping boogers on the carpet may just be your great accomplishment of the day, so don't worry about how deep the little guys go... at the same time don't underestimate the depth of a child's insight as they learn to share in class.
Grades 2-6 Champ Chat
Grades K-1 Champ Chat
Click to bubble #5. Click again to enlarge. Your leadership challenges are very simple. You'll notice that many of them are quite similar. That's because we are focusing on the integration of problem-solving skills and life tools. We don't need a lot of them to make a profound difference, but they do need to become an automatic response. When life and it's gazzilion different challenges come our way, our fantastic brains can either panic in light of an unfamiliar situation or we can find emotional safety in having general instructions through the simple little stories of Adventure Theater and the leadership challenges we practiced in elementary school. Sometimes the most profound truths are the simplest of all. Be kind, Be nice, Be "bigger", Be intentional, tell the truth, take turns. Oh... if the whole world could go back to kindergarten. If you practice these simple truths that have been connected to stories and music, your students will remember them just like they do the words to Patty-Cake, as we demonstrated in your Peer Power workshop.
Grades 2-6 Leadership Challenge
Grades K-1 Leadership Challenge
This is not it. You can't shake me that easily. : ) I'll be sending you additional instructions, tips and tricks, and extras bonuses throughout the unit. This is a pilot school and the research you are taking part in is vital. I want to hear from you so we can tackle any concerns, issues, ideas or questions together. If your kids come up with a fun idea in class, send it to me! We'll be highlighting the best ones in our Championeers! Blog, and providing platforms for your students and classes to be honored. Most of all remember to have lots and lots of fun!
Developing emotional safety on your campus is one of the greatest gifts you can give a child. It can even save their lives.
Together, we can do this.
Deanna and Brittney
(just part of your development team)